Kickoff BINGO
Product manager contradicts self Wireframes do not match verification conditions Dev raises largely inconsequential concern Someone is overtly distracted by smartphone games Nobody can remember how it works in production QA is overcommitted Simon is wearing plaid Concern for other team cited as reason for pokering higher than everyone else Story likely to be dropped within first week Someone nods off CAP mentioned Numbering of verification conditions continues from previous story 35+ pages of stories Follow or nofollow? Verification condition is TBD Vince finishes his coffee Story demoted to orphan task Orphan task carried over from previous sprint unchanged Orphan task is bug from previous sprint Task on sticky note is illegible Task on sticky note abbreviated to point of nonsense Sticky note falls off board Number of story points is prime Production bug discovered Wireless keyboard fails to work Someone fidgets with outlet post in the table Squeaky chair Discussion taken offline First half runs over scheduled time
Free space